Guy is the grandson and former research assistant of Donald L. Hings. Hings was the inventor of the walkie-talkie and 56 other patents.
In 2002, Guy began to develop his own military camouflage based on mathematical fractals (feedback loops). This disruption took camouflage into an area of science that had been proposed by the experts but none were able to design.
In 2011, Cramer developed, “Quantum Stealth” (Light Bending material). This is Hyperstealth's non-powered adaptive camouflage. It bends light around the target. The cost is inexpensive, very lightweight and there are no power requirements.
Cramer has developed over 14,000 patterns which are all under international copyright. His current patent-pending technology, Quantum Stealth provides one camouflage for every environment in any season at any time of the day or night.
It even works in the ultraviolet, visual, infrared, and thermal spectrums.
This development will turn the entire camouflage industry on its head.